Location: Comer Cafe
Jerry McManus, LDEO
Alex Halliday, Director, Columbia University Earth Institute
Sean Solomon, Director, LDEO
Peter DeMenocal, Dean of Science, Columbia University
Bärbel Hönisch, LDEO
Gerald Haug, Max Planck Institute, Mainz
Michael Bender, Princeton University
Stephen Barker, Cardiff University
14C in foraminifera: The Broecker effect
J. Robert Toggweiler, NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)
How radiocarbon and bomb 14C informed Wally's view of the ocean's circulation
Robert Anderson, LDEO
GEOSECS to GEOTRACES: Lessons learned from large programs studying ocean chemistry
Jorge L. Sarmiento, Princeton University (w/ Robbie Toggweiler, GFDL) Title TBA
Maureen Raymo, LDEO
Sea Level during past warm periods: From the Eemian and beyond!
Peter Huybers, Harvard University
Milankovitch in the Early Pleistocene
Daniel Sigman, Princeton University
Broecker’s enduring recipe for lower ice age CO2
Jess Adkins, Caltech
Indo-Pacific control of the overturning circulation
Steven Goldstein, LDEO
A view of Wally's 'great ocean conveyor' through time
Rachel Oxburgh, Latymer Upper School
Ahbijit Sanyal, J&J Consumer Group
Mark Cane, LDEO
Hartmut Heinrich, 10°E Maritime Consulting
Heinrich Events: The beastly character of the climate beast
Jeff Severinghaus, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC-San Diego
Abrupt climate change: Wally’s angry beast
Joerg Schaefer, LDEO
Climate, glaciers and Wally's bipolar see-saw 2.0
Jerry McManus, LDEO
Abrupt change and global consequences through the last glacial climate cycle
Jean Lynch-Stieglitz, Georgia Tech
Deglacial changes in the conveyor of heat and nutrients into the North Atlantic
Aaron Putnam, University of Maine
Climate modes
Dorothy Peteet, LDEO
Puzzles of the glacial and deglacial environment
Sidney Hemming, LDEO
The Big Low at Mono Lake
David McGee, MIT
Connecting abrupt climate changes to Great Basin hydrology
Scott Stine, Cal State University-East Bay
A kid in a candy store: Wally's work at Mono Lake
Yoni Goldsmith, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Wally the hydrologist (and East Asian monsoon dynamics and thermodynamics)
Location: HNA Conference Center
Speakers: Taro Takahashi (LDEO), Alex Halliday (Earth Institute)
Video from Richard Alley (Penn State U.)
Music and stories: Tom Chapin and family, song and stories
Jerry McManus, LDEO
Dennis Kent
A-H Alissa Park, Director of Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy, Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University
James Rae, University of St. Andrews
Morgan Schaller, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
New measures of ancient atmospheric oxygen concentrations from soil carbonate-hosted fluid inclusions
John Higgins, Princeton University
A carbon isotope conundrum - why does the ratio of 13C to 12C in carbonate rocks remain constant over Earth history
Steven Emerson, University of Washington
Air-Sea gas exchange and the ocean's biological carbon pump
Daniel Schrag, Harvard University
On the brink of a pronounced global warming: Wally Broecker and the 1976 climate shift
Peter Santschi, Texas A&M at Galveston
Purposeful experimental additions of radioactive tracers to natural aquatic systems
Michael Crow, Arizona State University
Video: Title TBA
Kevin Griffin, LDEO
Manipulating the Biosphere: Studies of future climate change and ecosystem responses at Biosphere 2
Juerg Matter, University of Southampton
Solving the climate change problem - turning CO2 into stone
Peter Schlosser, Arizona State University
Wally Broecker and Climate Engineering